The Alexandrion Foundation announces the laureates of the 10th edition of the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala 20 November 2023 - The Alexandrion Foundation announces the laureates of the 10th edition of the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala The Alexandrion Foundation announces… Continue Reading

The Alexandrion Foundation announces the laureates of the 10th edition of the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala
20 November 2023
The Alexandrion Foundation announces the laureates of the 10th edition of the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala The Alexandrion Foundation announces the laureates of the 10th edition of the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala who were awarded for an outstanding project developed in the previous year or for an exceptional life-long career in 7 fields: film, history, […]
The Alexandrion Foundation deeply regrets the passing away of writer Dumitru Radu Popescu, laureate and member of Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala jury
11 January 2023
The Alexandrion Foundation expresses its deepest regrets for the passing away of the academician Dumitru Radu Popescu, novelist, playwriter, eseist, who was a prominent member of the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala jury, since the first edition, in 2014, but also laureate of the literature category, in 2015 and 2022. “The passing away of the writer […]
Alexandrion Group to provide strong support to those affected by the crisis in Ukraine through The Alexandrion Foundation
2 March 2022
The Alexandrion Foundation is providing support to the Romanian state authorities, national higher education institutions, religious organizations and international organizations focusing on humanitarian issues. The Alexandrion Group has ended its partnership with the Russian-based vodka producer Beluga Group, and thus has assumed financial losses of approximately 1 million Euros. The Alexandrion Group is strongly involved […]
The Alexandrion Foundation announces the laureates of the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala 2021
26 October 2021
Professionals from 8 areas: medicine, film, history, theater, architecture, visual arts, literature and music were awarded for remarkable accomplishments throughout their career or for projects and works which have attracted the appreciation of the public and of the critics, in the previous year. The Alexandrion Foundation also awarded the honorary distinction of the Gala. The […]
Historical visit: His Beatitude Youssef Absi, the Patriarch of the Greek Melkite Catholic Church from Antioch and All the East visited Romania upon the invitation of the Alexandrion Foundation
29 September 2021
Historical visit to Romania of one of the most proeminent spiritual leaders: the Alexandrion Foundation received, between 21st-27th of September, a guest with an extraordinary influence on the interfaith communities. His Beatitude Youssef Absi, the Patriarch of the Greek Melkite Catholic Church from Antioch and All the East visited Romania for the first time, upon […]
The 6th edition of the Alexandrion Trophies Gala designated its winners
9 February 2021
The athletes who had remarkable achievements in 2020 were distinguished with the Alexandrion Trophies and financially rewarded for their contribution to the development of Romanian sport, within the only initative of this kind organized and entirely supported by a private entity. The Alexandrion Trophies, awarded following the consultations with the representatives of 27 sport outlets […]
The Alexandrion Trophies Gala, the most important gala of Romanian sports, organized for the 6th year in a row, will be broadcast on the 6th of February on B 1 TV, starting from 19:00
3 February 2021
Bucharest, February 1st 2021 – The Alexandrion Trophies Gala, the most important gala of Romanian sports, organized by the Alexandrion Foundation for the 6th year in a row will be broadcast on the 6th of February, on B1 TV, starting from 19:00. The gala will also be streamed online on the Facebook page of the […]
The Alexandrion Foundation organizes online the 4th edition of „The Sinaia Debates”, on the 27th- 28th of January 2021
3 February 2021
Bucharest, January 26th 2021: The Alexandrion Foundation organizes the 4th edition of „The Sinaia Debates” online, on the 27th-28th of January 2021. The event will be streamend on the Facebook page of the Alexandrion Foundation and will be accesible to all those interested to watch professionals from multiple areas of activity, opinion leaders recognized for […]
Matei Brancoveanu Awards Gala 2020: The 12,000 euro grand prize granted by the Alexandrion Foundation was won by Edmond Niculusca
22 June 2020
Bucharest, June 15th 2020: Edmond Niculusca is the winner of the 12,000 euros grand prize granted by the Alexandrion Foundation within the Matei Brancoveanu Awards Gala 2020, with the highest number of votes from the public- 16,885 votes. The next finalist ranked, according to the public’s online vote, Raluca Selejan, Carmen Chindris, Tudor Baciu, Ana […]
Gala Matei Brâncoveanu 2020 difuzată live pe Facebook, pe 14 iunie Publicul votează online și decide câștigătorul marelui premiu de 12.000 euro
22 June 2020
București, 10 iunie 2020: Au mai rămas doar câteva zile până la ediția din acest an a Galei Matei Brâncoveanu, care va fi difuzată live pe pagina de Facebook a Fundației Alexandrion, duminică 14 iunie, începând cu ora 19:00. În cadrul galei, Fundația Alexandrion va premia cinci tineri remarcabili prin proiectele lor cu impact puternic […]
Matei Brancoveanu Awards Gala 2020: a unique format, 5 prizes for outstanding young people
22 June 2020
Bucharest, May 22nd 2020: The Alexandrion Foundation awards 5 young people, outstanding through their projects, with strong impact on the communities they are part of, within Matei Brancoveanu Awards Gala 2020. On its 5th edition, Matei Brâncoveanu Awards Gala has a new, unique format this year. Thus, both the gala and the voting process will […]
Scientist Daniela Rus, the researcher that brings robotics to a new performance level
28 April 2020
Bucharest, April 28th: Researcher, electrical engineering and computer science professor and director of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Deputy Dean of Research for Schwarzman College of Computing at MIT- one of the most prestigious computer science research institutions in the world, speaker at international IT&C events, […]
Alexandrion Foundation in collaboration with Mia's Children Association helps children with disadvantaged backgrounds, during the COVID-19 pandemic
15 April 2020
The Alexandrion Foundation will be actively involved and will make a number of donations to the Mia’s Children Association to provide the opportunity for the 45 children educated and cared in the center administered by the Mia’s Children Association, in order to continue their studies and to grow in an environment where they are protected […]
The Alexandrion Foundation has awarded, for the second time, Constantin Brancoveanu International Awards in New York
5 December 2019
December 4th, 2019, New York – The Alexandrion Foundation has continued the tradition of the Constantin Brâncoveanu International Awards in United States. Within the elegant gala organized at Gotham Hall on the evening of December 3rd, 2019, global personalities in music, fine arts, architecture, medicine, science and politics were awarded. Hundreds of people, the picks […]
The Sinaia Debates - 3rd edition: We need to connect the educational environment with the professional one
20 August 2019
The Alexandrion Foundation organized the third edition of the Sinaia Debates on March 29 and 30, 2019, at New Montana Hotel. For two days, experts sought answers and solutions to the education crisis in Romania. The Romanian Minister of Education also attended the event. Why the theme of the third edition of the Sinaia Debates […]
The crisis of education. Status indicators and resolutions. Debates from Sinaia 3rd Edition, 28-29th of March 2019
28 March 2019
The Alexandrion Foundation organizes the third edition of the Debates from Sinaia on 28 – 29th of March 2019 at the New Montana Hotel. The theme of the debate is deep and current: The Crisis of Education. Status indicators and resolutions. National and international experts, as well as Government representatives, will be present to take […]
The list of nominations for the Constantin Brâncoveanu Diaspora Awards is now opened
25 March 2019
The jury of the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards, organized by the Alexandrion Foundation, gathered on Friday, March 22nd, to set the timetable for the events of the year 2019. The calendar of events organized by the Alexandrion Foundation in 2019. The jury members decided that the Constantin Brâncoveanu Diaspora Gala Awards would be held on May […]
Acad. Răzvan Theodorescu is the Executive Chairman of the Brâncoveanu Awards Jury
20 February 2019
The Alexandrion Foundation Board of Directors met last week and decided to appoint Professor Răzvan Theodorescu, Vice President of the Romanian Academy, as Executive Chairman of the jury for the the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards 2019. At the same meeting, it has been decided to appoint as members of the Jury the academician Dumitru Radu Popescu […]
The best Romanian athletes were awarded at the Alexandrion Trophies Gala
20 February 2019
The fourth edition of the Alexandrion Trophies Gala has nominated the winners. In the presence of almost 300 guests, prizes were awarded to the best 11 Romanian athletes of last year. ”We are already at the fourth edition of the Alexandrion Trophies, the Foundation continues to support the performance sports and its young hopes. We […]
Alexandrion Foundation offered over 100,000 balls to sports in Romania in 2018
20 December 2018
The Alexandrion Foundation offered more than 100,000 balls for different sports such as football, rugby, basketball and volley, in 2018. We attended many event during which these balls were offered. Many sports associations and clubs both in rural areas and in cities such as Timisoara, Ploiesti, Craiova, Cluj or Iasi benefited from theese actions under […]
Alexandrion Foundation Cyprus honored Romania’s 100th year anniversary
12 November 2018
In an atmosphere full of glamour and harmony and in the presence of selected guests, A.G. Leventios Gallery became the venue where Alexandrion Foundation Cyprus honored Romania’s 100th year anniversary, awarding prominent personalities of Romania who honor their country of origin through their successful work and career establishment abroad. Alexandrion Foundation Cyprus, which was launched […]
The Constantin Brâncoveanu International Awards awarded in the United States
28 November 2018
The Alexandrion Foundation awarded for the first time the Constantin Brâncoveanu International Awards in the United States. The awarding took place on Tuesday during the inaugural ceremony in the renowned New York Public Library. The Constantin Brâncoveanu International Awards represent a major step for the Alexandrion Foundation in the process of recognising the true international […]
The first nominees for the Constantin Brancoveanu Awards
11 September 2018
The Alexandrion Foundation organized, on Monday, 10th of September, a debate regarding the nominees for the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards, a cultural event held on October 2, 2018 at the Royal Palace – the National Art Museum from Bucharest. The guests, along with members of the jury, made a series of nominations for the Constantin Brâncoveanu Prizes […]
The Alexandrion Foundation announces the Great Unification of Sports
17 July 2018
With the occasion of the Great Union’s Centenary, Romanian nationals will be able to vote for the athletes they believe have united the country through their performances across 100 years, at the Great Unification of Sports. On 15th July, The Alexandrion Foundation launched a campaign with the same name to pay homage to the great […]
The sculptor Marian Zidaru wins the design contest for the Constantin Brâncoveanu trophy
9 July 2018
Marian Zidaru is the grand winner of the creative contest for the new “Constantin Brâncoveanu Trophy”. The panel of judges decided that the model “Crucea Trup” (cross body) would bring the prize worth € 7.000 to the artist. The competition had as a premise finding the next trophy for the Constantin Brâncoveanu Gala, an event […]
The Alexandrion Foundation launched the first edition of the Sinaia Debates
3 April 2018
The Alexandrion Foundation organized the first edition of the “Sinaia Debates”, on March 30 – 31, by launching a series of debates of public interest with both national and international renowned participants. The “Sinaia debates” is a concept that brings together national and international personalities from the political, administrative, legal and mass media fields, in […]
Watch: Alexandrion Trophies winners were invited to a B1 TV talk show
7 February 2018
Gianina Beleagă and Ionela Lehaci, the world champions of canoeing (double oars), were invited to B1 TV on Sunday, January 4. Along with them, Valentin Popescu, sports director of Alexandrion Group, and young Elena Chiriac,the winner of taekwando national championship took part in the talks. They all relived the Alexandrion Trophies Gala, but they also […]
Replay: Alexandrion Trophies Gala 2018
6 February 2018
The Alexandrion Trophies Gala, organized by the Alexandrion Foundation, was broadcast live on TVR HD. 23 established athletes, as well as four young athletes were awarded at the event that took place on February 1 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bucharest. More than 300 guests attended the event and applauded the laureates. Those who […]
The winners of the Alexandrion Trophies - the third edition - have been awarded
6 February 2018
23 established athletes have been awarded The winners of the third edition of the Alexandrion Trophies Gala have been announced to the public last night. At an event attending more than 300 guests, 10 prizes were awarded to the Romanian athletes that had a great performance last year. The award ceremony took place at the […]