The Alexandrion Foundation organized the first edition of the “Sinaia Debates”, on March 30 – 31, by launching a series of debates of public interest with both national and international renowned participants.

The “Sinaia debates” is a concept that brings together national and international personalities from the political, administrative, legal and mass media fields, in order to submit topics of interest to our society. The speakers are recruited among the most competent and creative personalities, as we want to establish here, in Sinaia, a powerful system that real solutions for our society can emerge from. It starts with the field of law because a country without justice and without proper rules cannot function,” declared Nawaf Salameh, president of the Alexandrion Foundation, at the opening of the event.

 “The Alexandrion Foundation’s debate is the first in a series that we want to continue, trying to raise the debates in Romania to a better level, reaching international standards. AWhat has been done up to this moment after a day of debates can be seen as a success in terms of the professionalism of the interveners, of multitude of opinions about the  Romanian society and more, it was a success in terms of capturing the actual problems our society is facing regarding the rule of law in Romania, “concludes Prof. Andrei Marga, Vice-President of the Constantin Brâncoveanu Prize Jury, Alexandrion Foundation

 The theme of the first edition was “The Rule of Law. Prerequisites, conditions, operation”, with a format that included three different rounds of debate. The first focused on the 

premises of the rule of law, the second round approached the conditions of the rule of law, while the third round focused on the functioning of the rule of law in our country.

“The rule of law, a highly-used concept today, is not a creation of our times, and it is not even an exclusive creation of modernity, it is an aspiration of humanity that dates back thousands of years. If we turn to the sources that represent this aspiration to the rule of law, we will have formidable surprises. Many things on which we today have such fierce discussions about today, find their solutions 3-4 thousand years ago, “explained Prof. Dr. Ladislau Gyemant.

 “Much of my speech has referred to the rule of law and, starting from it, I derive from, I believe, the most important aspect, that the intrusion of politics is probably inevitable, but infamous, and not very good in terms of law. It is absolutely essential to keep in mind that the separation of powers must be guaranteed, otherwise the beginning, middle and end of the functions fulfilled, both by law and by policy, are lost, ” said Professor Armando Marques-Guedes.

The concepts and theories debated in the three discussion boards have been also added a practical and dynamic element.

Now, as a professor of law, I cannot, of course, be concerned, beyond the theorization of the requirements of the rule of law, that it is necessary to find a solution to evolve from this perspective, even in law education which we need to see more in our society, but especially in the younger generation, for students and even earlier for high school students. There is a growing debate about the necessity of legal education in schools, a project that I support with all my strength and which, in a far farther way, may also have the effect of understanding and substituting the rule of law ” Prof. Septimiu Panaite.

 Moreover, the participants discussed a wide range of topics, such as the significance of the law, the rule of law, tripartite powers, democratic legitimacy, skirmishes in the rule of law, correction mechanisms in the rule of law, law in the European Union.