Matei Brâncoveanu Awards Gala
Select edition:After the success of the first edition of Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards offered by Alexandrion Foundation, there were voices who asked: “And for the valuable young persons from art and culture, when are you going to organize something similar?”. Therefore, the natural consequence for Alexandrion Foundation and its president Nawaf Salameh was the development of the Matei Brâncoveanu Awards Gala. This project is dedicated to those who are at the beginning of their career and have not yet reached its climax, but who proved a lot of passion and involvement in their work, bringing contributions to the development and improvement of theirs fields. Therefore, this is how the Matei Brâncoveanu Awards arose, named after the youngest child of the martyr voivode, a young person who sacrificed together with his father for the country and faith.

2020 is the year of change and repositioning of the value of those who know how to and can inspire the communities they are part of. The Alexandrion Foundation has already organized four editions of the Matei Brâncoveanu Awards Gala, dedicated to young people who actively contribute to the development of our society and become real role models for their generation.
How are the awards granted?
Matei Brâncoveanu Awards Gala 2020 proposes for the first time a unique online event format that involves five well known professionals, with broad experience in their areas of expertise, in the selection of the candidates and gives the public the mission to choose the winner of the grand prize. The candidates no longer subscribe to pre-defined fields (music, education, cinema, etc.), but are awarded for the combination of talent, social involvement and creativity, which generates projects that have the potential to change the Romania of tomorrow.