Nawaf Salameh
President of Alexandrion Foundation
Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala – In the honor of the values of Romanian culture
Our initiative to launch Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards represents a tribute brought by us to the brilliant personality of this daring ruler, a moral component and elite representative of the Romanian culture and history. Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards also mean a reference point in the evolution of Alexandrion Group and of the Foundation that bears his name.
During the 20 years of activity, Alexandrion Group registered an important development based on the tireless labor of hundreds of persons but also on the sacrifices of those who followed us with faith and loyalty, with good will and professionalism.
The development and successes of Alexandrion Group made the evolution of Alexandrion Foundation possible. Alexandrion Foundation was an important sponsor of the Romanian Sportive Olympic Committee, for the Olympics in Athens, Beijing and London, discretely contributing to the financing of sport, which brought international recognition and many medals for the Romanian performance. Beginning with this year, we shall sponsor the feminine handball team, U” Alexandrion-Cluj, and also the masculine handball team, Steaua-Alexandrion. In the year of the commemoration of Brâncoveanu Martyrs, Alexandrion Foundation had an important contribution at the re-editing of the Bible from Bucharest for which The Patriarch Daniel honored us with the “Order and Medal Brâncoveanu Saint Martyrs”.
Why have we chosen to initiate Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards for history and culture? Why did we get involved in Brâncoveanu 300 anniversary? All these questions have a unique answer, originating from our conscience, from the feelings of appreciation and respect towards the country which adopted us and towards its fascinating history!
In the history of our country, Constantin Brâncoveanu is one of the most important figures. His exceptional personality reunites, in a tragic manner, the spirit of a great patriot, the vocation of founder and innovator in art and culture, his devotion and faith in God, his commitment regarding the values of the family and of his people. Believing the fact that it is the duty of every Romanian and Christian person to keep and to continue these values, we became subjected to the same humanitarian drive and decided to contribute through the available means in order to keep, with respect and gratefulness, the brightness of his acts and name.
Therefore, we named the most valuable of our products with the name Constantin Brîncoveanu, as the French people assigned the name of Napoleon to certain products of the same value for France and for the entire world. As the Austrians gave the name of the composer Mozart to certain products which completed the image of successful and influent country of Austria, as the English people uses the name of the great politician Winston Churchill for their most valuable products, we thought to connect the name Brâncoveanu to premium Romanian products, which reunite the prestigious value of the tradition, the quality and flavor of a refined product and a unique in-house imprint. And, with respect to this, I think that life gave us satisfaction. The Brâncoveanu Vinars became a unique brand, valuable, respected, rewarded at great international contests, with an external market in course of development. Also, as it is natural, a part of the success of Brâncoveanu brand shall return to the culture it originated from, fulfilling the aspirations of founder and creator of culture of the great Christian Voivode, Constantin Brâncoveanu.
We believe the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards shall last for many years and shall contribute to the recognition of the Romanian values, to their consolidation, to the continuation of the foundations began by Brâncoveanu Family in the Romanian cultural space. The potential of the Brâncoveanu brand returns from history in economics and from economics in the Romanian culture, transforming them into a whole.
In time, we only perform our duty towards the ideals of a great founder of school, style and Romanian spirit!