Matei Brâncoveanu Awards Gala

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Gala Premiilor Matei Brâncoveanu 2017

Aceasta a fost transmisiunea în direct de la cea de-a treia ediție a Galei Premiilor Matei Brâncoveanu, organizată de Fundația Alexandrion. Premiile sunt dedicate tinerilor aflați la început de carieră, care au demonstrat deja excelență în domeniile lor - literatură, istorie, muzică, film, teatru, medicină, arte plastice și arhitectură. Vă invităm să urmăriți festivitatea de premiere și un mini-recital al artistului Simion Bogdan-Mihai. *** This was the live broadcast of the third edition of the Matei Brancoveanu Awards. The awards are dedicated to young people at the beginning of their careers, who prove excelence in their disciplines - literature, history, music, film, theater, medicine, arts and architecture. We invite you to watch the Gala and a musical moment with Simion Bogdan.

Posted by Nawaf Salameh on Tuesday, December 12, 2017


The "Matei Brâncoveanu" awards are slowly becoming a tradition. The third edition of the Gala dedicated to young values in culture, science and arts brought together over one hundred guests in the New York venue at Pullman Hotel in Bucharest. In rounds of applause coming from their families, friends and journalists, nine young people were awarded. As Alexandrion Foundation designed the “Matei Brâncoveanu “ awards as a support for young people who just started their career, the prizes offered are consistent amounts of money.

The President’s message

“There it is! We are at the third edition of the Matei Brâncoveanu Awards. We are very glad that this Gala, dedicated to valuable young people, is at least as prestigious as the one that preceded it and which opened the series of events dedicated to culture and science that Alexandrion Foundation supports – the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards. We continue to offer the Medicine Prize as we did last year, and we want to do this to keep up with the developments in every field serving the society we live in,” stated Nawaf Salameh, president of Alexandrion Foundation at the opening of the event.


Claudiu Komartin

Visual arts
Maia Ștefana Oprea

Andrei și Andreea Grosu

Daniel Sandu

Alin Stoica

Mircea Gheorghe Abrudan

Dr. Nicolae Crișan

Horia Moldovan

Alexandrion Foundation Special Award

Alexandrion Foundation offered a special prize at this third edition of the “Matei Brâncoveanu” Awards Gala. This year, the B&B Distribution Prahova partners were awarded for their excellent collaboration and results this year. The trophy was received by Viorel Aldea, general manager of the company.


Acad. Dan Berindei – President of the jury

Prof. Univ. Andrei Marga – Vicepresident of the jury

Grigore Constantinescu PhD

Ioan Scurtu PhD

Marian Moiceanu PhD

Liviu Ioan Stoiciu – writer, artist and winner of the Constantin Brâncoveanu Award

Dumitru Constantin – Secretary of the jury

Photo Gallery