Matei Brâncoveanu Awards Gala
Select edition:
The first edition of Matei Brâncoveanu Awards proposed to complete the Constantin Brâncoveanu distinctions granted to the seniors of the culture in Romania. The Matei Brâncoveanu Awards Gala, organized by Alexandrion Foundation, addresses to the young values and comers of culture and arts. Therefore, at the first edition of these Awards, developed on December 09, 2015, distinctions were granted for eight fields: literature, visual arts, theatre, film, dance, classic music, pop/jazz music and social-human sciences. The event took place at Vox Café in Bucharest.
The president’s message
“I hope that the granting of the awards will continue for many years, becoming fertile land for Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards. We would like to congratulate you for the activity in the art and literature fields, in a world of the Internet, in which we hardly find time to read a book.”

Vasile Ernu
Mihaela Kavdanska
George Costin, Sorin Miron, Nicoleta Hâncu, Adrian Nicolae, Andrei Huțuleac, Alexandru Pavel (trupă de actori tineri constituită de regizorul Victor Ioan Frunză)
Tudor Giurgiu
Cosmin Manolescu
Andrei Tudor
Social Sciences
Marius Diaconescu
Ion Bogdan Lefter – Președinte al juriului
Monica Andronescu – Critic de teatru
Irina Cios – Director al Administrației Fondului Cultural Național
Dan Dediu – Compozitor, rectorul Universităţii de Muzică din București,
Bogdan Murgescu – Profesorul universitar și prorector al Universității din București.