Constantin Brâncoveanu International Awards
Select edition:2018
The Costantin Brâncoveanu International Awards ceremony was held on 27 november, during an inaugural gala organized at the famous New York Public Library. More than 300 guests attended the elegant event. The Constantin Brâncoveanu International Awards were offered for the following categories: Art, Film, Science, Architecture, Medicine, Literature, Humanitarian Work, Politics and Diplomacy. The Foundation also offers two special awards for personalities that have left their mark on society and are a constant source of inspiration for others.
The president’s message
In Romania, Constantin Brancoveanu Awards honor the great values of Romanian science, culture, history, economy and medicine every year. We passed the borders and awarded Constantin Brancoveanu Awards also into the Romanian Diaspora from several European Capitals. We crossed the Ocean and the Alexandrion Foundation reached American ground along with our company group, the land of freedom, of prosperity, and of endless opportunities.
During this first edition of Constantin Brancovranu International Awards personalities from different cultures will be awarded. Why did we choose to do so? Certainly, in the years to come, our awards will cover personalities from the entire globe. Just this time, the Alexandrion Foundation and I have decided to honor those who for those who have madea a colossal difference in our lives. As you will see, we will award great personalities of Syrian origin, the country where I was born and now it is going through hard times. We will also award personalities from the Greek and the Romanian cultures.
On a personal note, these are the two cultures representing the two countries that formed me in terms of education and business. In other words, these are the countries where I perfected myself as a professional and as a businessman.
Last but not least, the Constantin Brancoveanu International Awards will also go to internationally-valued Americans. For me, they represent the country that has received me to build a great economic project, the project of my life I could say, a project for my family and for my colleagues.
Together, we have a duty to built for ourselves and for the generations to come, a better, brighter world!

Alexandrion Foundation Special Award
The Alexandrion Foundation offered two special awards for remarkable personalities at the Constantin Brâncoveanu International Awards Gala. The two distinctions were awarded to Cornelia Zicu and Anton Lixandroiu. Cornelia Zicu was chosen for her visionary attitude in business and. Anton Lixandroiu was awarded for the continuous support of Romanian spiritual values.

Alexandru Darida
For his exceptional skills and exquisite works of art famous on a worldwide scale and for his contributions to the art field for over 40 years.

Tsiaras Filippo
For his exceptional contributions to the field of arts for over 40 years.

Ruxandra Vidu
For her contributions to the fields of chemical engineering and materials science.

Mihai Radu
For his highly stylistic expressiveness projects that have become a common reference in Romania, the United States of America and other countries across the globe.

Doina Uricaru
For her volumes of lyrics published since 1976 till present, her literary criticism studies and all of her contributions literature field.

Antonis H. Diamataris
For his exceptional passion for equality amongst all Americans and for responsible journalism.

Maria Tzompanaki
For her exceptional work as an accomplished actress and director and her contribution to the artistic field.

Dr. Souhel Najjar
For his clinical research and teaching expertise, his dedication to the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, neuroinflammation-related neuropsychiatric disorders and autoimmune disorders of central nervous system and for his contribution to the medical field for more than 20 years.

Humanitarian work
Michael Carroll
For his photography and humanitarian work in Romania.

Michael N Gianaris
For his work as a tireless government reformer and his contribution to the social justice system.

H.E. Hans Klemm
– For his efforts to permanently improve relations between Romania and the US as Ambassador of the USA to Romania