Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala
Select edition:2018
The 5th edition of the Constantin Brancoveanu Awards was organized on October 2 2018. The award ceremony, organized by the Alexandrion Foundation, took place in a sober and elegant atmosphere at the Royal Palace in Bucharest - the National Art Museum. More than 200 guests attended the event. Among them were representatives of the Royal House of Romania, diplomats, former and current ministers such as the Minister of Culture and National Identity, George Vladimir Ivascu - who also handed over the History Award. Former laureates, presidents of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the director of the Romanian Patriarchy Publishing House, Father Mihai Hau, who handed the Literary Prize, were also some the attendees.
The president’s message
“The fifth edition of the “Constantin Brancoveanu” Awards represents a crossing from the national to the international level. This growth of the Awards is imposed by the universal vocation of the values of Romanian culture. Everywhere, in this world, Romanian language is spoken, in any important bank or large multinational companies of real prestige works a group of Romanians, or is playing a Romanian movie. From the 4th edition of the “Constantin Brancoveanu” Awards, when the laureates of the year 2017 were awarded on the Romanian Athenaeum stage, until today, the “Constantin Brancoveanu” Awards have grown spectacularly. The awards offered by the Alexandrion Foundation crossed the country’s borders. They were awarded in the U.K. , Germany, Cyprus, and will be held in New York later this year on November 27th. We will make the first big step towards an international award called “Constantin Brancoveanu International”.

Alexandrion Foundation Special Award
The Honorary Distinction was offered to His Majesty Margaret, Custodian of the Crown, and the Special Award of the Foundation was awarded to the Ph.D. professor Dumitru Preda.

Mircea Roman
“He was awarded for the exhibitions at Bathala (Portugal) and Bucharest (2018).
The characters of Mircea Roman descended from the great archetypes of Egyptian, Etruscan, Assyrian antiquity. The synthesis and the spirituality of the reused wood give its sculptures an iconic, archaic aspect and, at the same time, modern, it gives them an openness towards universality. “(Ştefan Râmniceanu)

Dr. Narcis Dorin Ion
“He was awarded for the volume “Ferdinand I, the King that reunited the Country”, edited by the publishing house of the National Peles Museum, an exceptional editorial appearance in the context of the celebrations of the Centenary of the Great Union.
He is one of the most valuable young researchers and museographers in Romania. He became known through his research on castles and palaces in Romania. “(Ioan Scurtu)

Prof. asoc. Dr. Cătălin Copăescu
He was awarded for the treaty “Laparoscopic treatment of gastro esophageal reflux disease.
“I dedicate this prize, with the emotion of its significance, to all doctors in the country and abroad, to the patients who make us every day better, to the team that made it possible to fulfill a dream and to my family. “( prof.asoc. Dr. Cătălin Copăescu)

Ion Caramitru
He was awarded for “Words, Words, Words” recital, which included Eminescu’s great poetry and also featured novelty poems by Nichita Stănescu.
“Eminescu is a great producer of ideas, so many have forgotten to read it.” (Ion Caramitru)

Acad. Eugen Simion
He was honored for his entire career.
“It obviously honors me this award, but I think it’s deeper a meaning here. It’s about the attitude towards culture. Culture needs more of these signs. You do an absolutely remarkable thing pointing towards culture. “(Acad. Eugen Simion)

Mircea Mureșan
He was honored for his entire career.
“The coincidence is that these days when I receive this prize for my entire career my jury films have been redrafted:” The uprising “and” All the climbing up “. It is a great joy for me this award. “

Cristian Mandeal
He was awarded for the series of concerts he conducted in 2018 with the National Youth Orchestra.
“With over 1,000 concerts conducted in 35 countries on 4 continents, Cristian Mandeal is today one of the most important Romanian conductors. His name is linked to the evolution of the “George Enescu” Philharmonic in Bucharest, but also to the Romanian Youth Orchestra which he conducts from its begining. “(Sorina Goia)

Arh. Radu Teacă
He was awarded for the design of the residential complex Stejarii II in Bucharest
“The experience gained in his prodigious activity is generously given by the professor to the students of the University of Architecture and Urbanism” Ion Mincu “in Bucharest” (Prof. Dr. Marian Moiceanu)

“Nawaf Salameh” scholarship
Neagu Gheorghe Mihai
The “Nawaf Salameh” scholarship has already become a tradition – every year, a student of the school in the Brâncoveni village receives the award as a recognition for good results in the educational field.

Dan Berindei

Liviu Ioan Stoiciu

Andrei Marga

Ioan Scurtu

Sorina Goia
Editor-in-chief Actualitatea Muzicală Radio România Cultural

Marian Moiceanu

Dana Safta

Ștefan Râmniceanu

Dumitru Constantin
Secretary of the jury

Magda Mihăilescu
Film critic

Ileana Lucaciu
Theatre critic
Invited artists
Ana Petre – Volin 1, Ștefan Petre – Violin 2, Rebeca Tănasie -Viola, Cornelius Zirbo – Violoncello