Alexandrion Trophies
Select edition:
22 Romanian world-class sportsmen were rewarded by Alexandrion Foundation with the Alexandrion Trophies. The Gala happened on February 9, 2017, at Radisson Blu hotel.
The president’s message
“Alexandrion Trophies are part of the strategy of the Foundation to support the sportive excellence and performance. This event also represents the perfect occasion to draw attention over the needs in this field. Alexandrion Group was, is and shall continue to support champions.”

Rewarded sportsmen
The components of the boat 8+1 of Romania at canoeing, who obtained bronze at the Olympic Games 2016; At the handing over of the award Roxana Cogianu and Andreea Boghian were present, the other team members being at training;
Daniela Dodean (table tennis) – European Champion at double mixed, bronze at double; The award was handed over to Beatrice Romanescu;
Marian Drăgulescu (gymnastics) – two silver medals at the European Championships;
Alexandru Bologa (judo) – bronze medal at the Paralympic Games from Rio;
The components of the feminine team of fence, Simona Gherman, Simona Pop, Ana-Maria Popescu and Loredana Dinu – Gold at the Olympic Games and European Vice – Champion;
Horia Tecău/Florin Mergea pair (tennis) – vice-champions at the Olympic Games;
Cătălina Ponor (gymnastics) – two bronze medals at the European Championships;
Eliza Samara (table tennis) – bronze at simple and double with Daniela Dodean, obtained at EC;
Albert Saritov (wrestling) – bronze Olympic Games 2016. The award was taken over by the general secretary of FR Wrestling, Alin Grigore, the Olympic prizewinning being in recovery after a surgical intervention;
Oana Manea (handball CSM Bucharest) – winner of Champions League.