About us
Alexandrion Foundation was set up in 2003 following the numerous humanitarian activities performed by the companies within Alexandrion Group. Therefore, the social responsibility projects of the group were taken over and began to be developed under the patronage of Alexandrion Foundation. But, the most important activity of the Foundation remains in the cultural field – in 2017 Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala is at the fourth edition, and Matei Brâncoveanu Awards Gala is at the third edition.
Over time, Alexandrion Foundation places its mark in the constant support of the performances of Romanian sports. Alexandrion Trophies, which honor the international performance of the Romanian sportsmen, shall reach, in 2018, the third edition. The Foundation’s involvement with the Romanian Sportive and Olympic Committee at the Olympics in 2004 in Athens, 2008 in Beijing and 2012 in London created high level training conditions that enabled the young sportsmen to obtain better results. It has also promoted a healthy lifestyle based on sports.
A priority of Alexandrion Foundation is represented by the cultural projects, Constantin Brâncoveanu and Matei Brâncoveanu Awards Galas. Alexandrion Foundation organized the first edition of Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards in 2014, to honour the values of Romanian culture and the personalities having a universally recognized career. The awarded personalities are part of every cultural, art and science fields – literature, history, music, theatre or film, social sciences, architecture, medicine or economics. The president of the jury is the distinguished academician, Professor Dan Berindei, who presided over the editions in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. The trophy offered at Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Gala is an original bronze sculpture signed by Ioan Bolborea, and the winners are also given the possibility for the Foundation to sponsor a project, based on the support of the Executive Board of Alexandrion Foundation. The Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards have the purpose to promote the values and vision of a great ruler, who, beside his family’s tragic history, was an important supporter of art, science and culture during his reign than spanned over a quarter of century of peace. Additionally, the Foundation supports initiatives such as the reconstruction of certain churches or monasteries, book launchings, dramatic writings and even organizing creation camps. Here we can also mention the modest support of the initiative of the Romanian Orthodox Church to reprint, in its commemoration year, the Bucharest Bible.

Sport is, was and shall always be a priority for Alexandrion Foundation and its president, Nawaf Salameh. As culture, art and science are honoured and rewarded by the Foundation with Constantin Brâncoveanu and Matei Brâncoveanu Awards, the sportive performance must also be appreciated at its real value. For the best Romanian sportspeople and for their performances, every year, Alexandrion Foundation offers the Alexandrion Trophies. The annual event is dedicated to the sportspeople who, through their success, made the entire Romanian people feel proud and established the reputation of Romania on the world map.
Other projects
Some of the projects of the Foundation have the purpose to support various foster centers and non-governmental organizations in the entire country, by offering materials for renovation and endowment. We have offered products and we have financed educational projects organized by:
• “Negru Vodă” Foster Center Galaţi, Child Protection department Iaşi;
• Night and day shelter for homeless children – Timișoara;
• Community service complex “Prichindelul” Sibiu, Hospice “Casa Speranţei” – Braşov;
• “Children in Distress” Foundation – Piteşti;
• Braşov Red Cross;
• Social Services Administration – Ploieşti;
• “Pas Alternativ” Association – Braşov;
• “Holt România” Foundation – Iaşi;
• Salvaţi Copiii (save the Children) Foundation;
• Services complex for elderly people in Mislea, Lilieşti etc.